Hawick RFC

Founded 1873

United Kingdom

A final farewell πŸ’šπŸ‰β€οΈ

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It was very moving to see in excess of 400 people filing into the stand at Mansfield Park today, to pay their respects to Greig Oliver, who was so tragically lost to us over the summer.

This service was arranged by the family to celebrate Greig’s life, and it brought together not only family, friends and former teammates, but many of the great and good of Scottish rugby, all of whom would have their own particular recollections of playing with and against Grieg.

Some wonderful memories and reflections on their relationships with Greig, were given by good friends and teammates, John Gray and Colin Deans, together with some very poignant and emotional words from brother and sister, Derek and Lyndsay, and Greig’s wife Fiona and son Jack.

The proceedings were seamlessly linked together by Hawick President Ian Landles, who’s own words clearly resonated with everyone assembled.

During the proceedings the clouds broke and bathed Mansfield Park in glorious sunshine, allowing many who played and watched Greig to recall their memories of him gracing the hallowed turf over a period of more than 15 years, for both Hawick and the South of Scotland.

A loving husband, father, son and brother, a dear friend to many, a true gentleman, and mentor. Talented, modest and passionate……..taken far too soon.

Rest easy Grieg. πŸ’šπŸ‰β€οΈ